Nils Plähn
Hi, my name is Nils Plähn. I am a PhD-student in QIS LAB. I studied physics at the faculty of physics and astronomy in Würzburg, Germany. I did my bachelor in theoretical physics. My bachelor thesis was about the application of a holographic principle arising of the AdS/CFT correspondence in string theory for the solution of a topological non-trivial semimetal. I did my master in experimental physics with a special focus on quantum-physical properties of solid states systems, complex systems and magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging. My master thesis was on the development of novel methods for chemical exchange rate quantification, with special focus on sequence development, extended phase graph simulations, pH-value quantification and development of new quantitative physical models. With my PhD at QIS LAB I found an exciting new challenge in developing robust multi-parametric quantitative mapping techniques based on RF phase modulated MRI sequences such as phase-cycled bSSFP.

Office O1.102 (1st floor)
Freiburgstrasse 3
3010 Bern, Switzerland
– BSc and MSc in Physics