Berk Can Açikgöz
Hi, my name is Berk Can Açikgöz. I am a PhD student in QIS LAB. I have studied electrical and electronics engineering in Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey from where I have achieved both my BS (2018) and MS (2021) degrees. My master thesis was on electrical property and diffusion imaging in MRI, specifically solving ill-posed inverse Biot-Savart, hence my interest in solving data fitting problems. I was also interested in accelerated imaging and sparse reconstruction techniques and finally I found the optimal mixture of efforts within the QIS LAB. Time will tell if it is a local or global optimum…
My interests: Optimization, compressed sensing, machine learning, computational electromagnetics.

Office O1.102 (1st floor)
Freiburgstrasse 3
3010 Bern, Switzerland
– BSc and MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.