Data (open-access)
The following data repositories are publicly available:
MRI data obtained in human volunteers (ArXiv, 14 November 2023)
“Fat-free noncontrast whole-heart CMR with fast and power-optimized off-resonant water excitation pulses“
Code provided on GITHUB: Code to 1) read the 3D radial raw data and 2) to perform numerical RF pulse simulations.
Data provided on Zenodo: Volunteer data
- The repository contains whole-heart volunteer data obtained in 5 healthy subjects at 3T.
- In each subject, the acquisition was peformed with four different RF water excitation pulses: LIBOR (, BORR (1.0ms), LIBRE (1.0ms) and LIBRE (2.2ms).
- In addition, the repository contains 3D radial data acquired in knees of three healthy subjects to test the same four pulses.

MRI data obtained in human volunteers (Magn Reson Med, 26 July 2023)
“SPARCQ: A new approach for fat fraction mapping using asymmetries in the phase-cycled bSSFP signal profile”
DOI: 10.1002/mrm.29813
Data provided on Zenodo: Phantom & volunteer data
- The publicly available repository contains phase-cycled bSSFP and multiecho GRE data.
- Data was acquired in phantoms and volunteers at 3T.

MRI data obtained in human volunteers (Magn Reson Med, 17 April 2023)
“Motion-resolved fat-fraction mapping with whole-heart free-running multiecho GRE”
DOI: 10.1002/mrm.29680
Data: Part 1, Part 2; Code: GITHUB
- Ten data sets acquired with free-running multiecho GRE
3D golden angle spiral phyllotaxis k-space trajectory, 8 echoes, whole-heart, 1.5T. - Ten corresponding free-breathing ECG-triggered multiecho GRE data sets.
3D golden angle spiral phyllotaxis k-space trajectory, 5 echoes, whole-heart, 1.5T - Corresponding Pilot Tone data for physiological motion monitoring.