Author: Jessica B

  • Jessica Bastiaansen joins the Annual Meeting Program Committee (AMPC) of the ISMRM

    Jessica was invited to serve on the Annual Meeting Programming Committee (AMPC) of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). “It is a true honour to be asked to be part of the AMPC, and I look forward to contribute to the organization of the next three ISMRM meetings!”. The annual meeting attracts […]

  • Dr. Rahel Heule presented about asymmetries in the brain at 9.4T

    Dr Rahel Heule from the Max Planck Institute in Tuebingen and the children’s hospital in Zuerich visited our imaging center in Bern. She gave a seminar entitled “Asymmetries in the Brain: A Methodological Exploration of bSSFP MRI in Neuroimaging at 3T and 9.4T“. Our belief in bSSFP methods to uncover novel biomarkers have only been […]

  • Prof. Jürgen Hennig visits and talks about the evolution of field strength

    Professor Jürgen Hennig visited the Translational Imaging Center in Bern as well as several MRI research groups. Besides his seminar on “The Evolution of Field Strength in MR: Back to the Future?“, he shared his insights on open source MRI sequence programming as well as his academic career. We had a blast, and we were […]

  • Prof. Bastiaansen joins the editorial board of Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging

    Prof. Dr. Jessica Bastiaansen, head of the QIS LAB, joins the editorial board of the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging.

  • Nils Plähn wins the Röntgen-Prize

    Every year, the Physics Institute of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Würzburg awards the Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Prizes to the best students (top 10%). This year, Nils Plähn, PhD candidate at the QIS lab, was among its recipients. Congratulations!! Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845 -1923), 1st Nobel Prize winner for physics […]

  • QIS Lab joins the Cardiovascular Research Cluster Bern

    We are extremely excited to join this effort! The Cardiovascular Research Cluster Bern (CVRC) was established for all UniBE and Inselspital members with an interest in cardiovascular research. The goal is to promote the cardiovascular research teams in Bern as leaders in the understanding of cardiovascular (patho)physiology and in the development of approaches to reduce disease […]

  • Dr. Eva Peper hops on the editorial board of JMRI – Congratulations!

    Dr. Eva Peper of the QIS LAB becomes part of the editorial board of the Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI). She will serve on the board in the capacity of trainee deputy editor.

  • US patent granted for our MRI innovations

    For our MRI developments, that build on the use of phase-cycled bSSFP MRI acquisitions to determine tissue fractions within a voxel, a US Patent was granted on May 22nd 2022. Congratulations to the inventors Giulia Rossi, Tobias Kober, Tom Hilbert and Jessica Bastiaansen. These exciting findings form the basis of the research of QIS LAB, […]

  • Testing Coffins for Team Building

    QIS LAB attended the Museum Night in Bern. One of the many interesting interactive experiences was “Probeliegen im Sarg”, or, testing coffins. Being patient is a valuable asset for a scientist, while lying motionless may come in handy when volunteering for MRI scans.

  • Sharing Tips & Hurdles in grant applications in Greece!

    Jessica Bastiaansen talked about “Tips and Hurdles in grant applications” in beautiful Thessaloniki in Greece. The session was organized during the EMIM, the annual meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI).